
Business People vs. IT decisions

In my opinion!

Business people must take responsibility for the requirements related to the business processes they want supported by an IT solution, the information flowing into/out from the solution, and the information to be stored by the solution.


They should leave the desicions related to technical issues as well as vendor selection to the IT people with the background and knowledge to make informed decisions on those issues.

Unfortunately - Today many business people have learned the name of a vendor or product by heart, and writes requirements specifications that can only point to that premade decision. This leaves out important objections like other solutions might better fulfil their needs, other solutions might be cheaper to acquire, other solutions might be easier to deploy and maintain, etc.

Do you agree?
Do you have a solution?

Please talk back.

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Business People vs. IT decisions

I agree with the opinion.

I believe it is important to understand the root symptoms of these types of issues and understand why "business people" insist on reducing the role/involvement of IT for these types of scenarios.

In my experience, typically, these scenarios often occur when IT has been underfunded, ignored or been asked to deliver against unreasonable demands from "business people".

What is required is an overhaul of the IT department/function as part of the wider organisation as well as a review of IT Governance. This will help cultural changes to be effected (ideally with the support from C-level executives).

For me, there are TWO parts to this solution.

The first part involves training/education and the second part involves improved Governance controls and structures.

Part 1: Organisations need to re-think how they carry out any market research / vendor & tool analysis and ensure that the right stakeholders from BOTH Business AND IT are included in decision-making / procurement processes. This is where education/training (led from the top) should play a part in changing the culture of an organisation.

Part 2: Governance that encourages better Business/IT alignment and decision making is mandatory to ensure decisions may be tracked, reviewed and audited. Again, C-level management should be included to ensure that "business people" do NOT bias these types of decisions. Ideally, Enterprise Architects or CIOs/CTOs should be called upon to ensure that a holistic view is brought to the table BEFORE any decisions are cast.

Ofcourse, all of the above depends on the maturity and size of an organisation as well as an acceptance to change!